Arguments: 4 Ways To Argue Healthily
Do your arguments or disagreements with your partner seem to last forever? Is it difficult to find a solution to even the smallest issue? In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the habits that we all have that hinder us from finding a resolution to our every day issues in our relationships. In Part 2, we will be looking at some of the ways that we can combat these bad habits. The majority of couple's disagreements boil down to communication difficulties misunderstandings. A couples counsellor can help couples to see where they are going wrong in their communication techniques and offer different tools to assist them in communicating more effectively. This blog will cover four of the ways that couples can communicate more healthily during an argument. This is not a full list. However, if you would like more information, please click here . 1. Deal With Issues Calmly: Many couples will find it easier to discuss an issue when they are calmer and are not as emotion...